Welcome to Aimee's Cafe and Coffeehouse,

the friendliest place in town.

1025A Massachusetts

Lawrence, Kansas 66044

(785) 843-5173

Every Day

Monday through Saturday from 8 am to 11 pm

Sunday from 10 am to 5 pm

(except Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving and New Years Day)

All items on the Menu served at any time.

Fair Trade Seal

Home of the best

Fair Trade Coffee

and espresso,

grinders, sandwiches,

baked treats and

arguably the best biscuits and gravy in town.

Barrista Action Figure

Featured in the Lawrence Journal World on January 9, 2005.


Catering for fine meals, receptions and parties.
Call Eileen Strong at 913-441-8606.



Look for our menu here.

We do fine catering also

Here's our current calendar

This is who we are

Here are some games to wile away your time while you're visiting Aimee's.

Try our new crossword puzzle. It will open in a new window, so close it when you're down and you'll be back at Aimee's. The first completer earns a free drink.
(Note: you will need Java enabled to use this, and Windows XP will give you a security warning because the puzzle is ActiveX. Not to worry -- go ahead and allow the puzzle. You'll have fun.)

Take a few minutes and visit BlueCrashKit.com, the home of a web comic drawn by Shannon Henry, with the story by Cat Glewwe and Rob Hamm. Shannon is a regular at Aimee's where she can be seen drawing the characters for the daily comic.

And while you're at it, stop in at Strong's Antiques right next door.